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Intro Video
Intro Video (2:59)
1 - Snapchat Marketing
Snapchat Marketing (0:07)
1. What makes Snapchat a different Platform? (1:00)
2. Why would people use Snapchat? (1:59)
2 - Snapping & Marketing
1. Snapping & Marketing (0:43)
2. Infographics – Snapping & Marketing (0:27)
3 - How to get Snapchat to impact your Marketing? The Basics
1. How to get Snapchat to impact your Marketing? The Basics (0:05)
2. Infographics – How to get Snapchat to impact your Marketing? Part I (1:25)
3. Infographics – How to get Snapchat to impact your Marketing? Part II (1:23)
4 - Methods for Marketing
1. Methods for Marketing (1:08)
2 Using the GOST Strategy, (2:27)
5 - Snapchat Marketing – Part II
1. Snapchat Marketing – Part II (0:40)
2. Infographics – Snapchat Expanded (1:03)
6 - Things you should Snapchat often
1. Things you should Snapchat often (0:52)
2. Infographics – How to tell the Right Story (1:22)
7 - Posting all year round
New Lecture
1. Posting all year round (0:22)
2. Infographics – Posting all year round (1:16)
8 - Tweaking the word limit
1. Tweaking the word limit (0:15)
2. Infographics – Tweaking the word limit (0:56)
9 - Including Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies
1. Including Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies (0:12)
2. Infographics – Including Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies (1:07)
10 - Integrating Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies
1. Integrating Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies (0:36)
2. Infographics – Integrating Snapchat in your Marketing Strategies (1:01)
11 - Visual Marketing Strategies
1. Visual Marketing Strategies (0:16)
2. Infographics – Visual Marketing Strategies (1:40)
Bonus A.I. Read Articles
Our Forecasts For Snapchat
A Marketing Guide to Incorporating Snapchat Into Your Business
How to use snapchat as a part of your business strategies
SnapChat Trends and Predictions (3:01)
Features of snapchat for business (2:52)
how to use snapchat in marketing (3:02)
Why Snapchat is important for business (3:04)
What Helped SnapChat to Bounce Back (3:11)
Tools and Resources
All recommended tools and resources
Teach online with
1. Snapping & Marketing
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